Hmm… where to begin? Quite a lot has happened over the past few months…
My best friend died...
My mother got a new puppy from the shelter...

I took a wonderful vacation…

The bunny population in my daughter's room increased...

I threw a big party...

And I've had quite a few photo shoots...

Each of these headlines will become a separate post in the coming
weeks, so the details are forthcoming.
I'm also going to be working my way around the blogosphere
and saying hello to all my friends.
I've been busy, but I've missed this place...
I'm glad you've been living life. That is, after all, what it's for.
I knew you'd be back-eventually. Glad life seems to be going better for you, aside from losing your dog :( Very cute puppy though!
See you around!
Hey busy girl. You'll have to go back through my archives to see my new best friend. Look forward to catching up here.
Hey there! Welcome back!
Looks like you've been busy, and I look forward to hearing all the details. I'm awfully sorry about your dog. That must have been terribly hard to go through.
Hi Puss! Yes, living life indeed. Some good, some bad, but that's the way it always is, isn't it?
Hi Silver! I'm surprised how long it's been since I've been here. I have been getting more done at work though! I laughed when I read my last post, which mentioned carving out some time for myself. I think that would include time to come here and read and write... I guess I'd better try harder!
Hi Malathionman! Did you get a new dog? How fun! I'll have to go back through your posts... (there had better be some photos!)
Hi Vicki! I hope to be posting more regularly, at least once a week. I probably have a lot to tell and quite a few photos to share... Thanks for the welcome back :)
It's good to see you!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend.
I hope you ease back into blogging. I've missed your wonderful stories.
Hi Travis! And thank you - I've missed your blog as well. I'm going to try to post more regularly, and check up on everyone regularly too. It's good to be back :)
Good to see you have been out having fun. You look beautiful and happy in the vacation picture.
So sorry about your best friend.
And it is great to have you back here.
I have been checking sporadically, hoping for more from you: words, photos, thoughts.
Nice to see you here again.
Hi Jill! Thanks for stopping by to check in on me over the past few months. I figured everyone would have forgotten about me by now. I never really posted all that regularly, although I always plan to... :)
Sorry to hear about your loss. :(
I am glad to hear about all the other things, though, and looking forward to new posts. Glad that you're back... sometimes you really need to take a break.
Speaking of which, I'm back and started a new blog. Hope to see you around sometime. :)
Glad to see you back around, and I look forward to reading about all the events as you post them.
im gald to see your back, and i anhappy all is well. altho i am sorry to read about your loss. i look foreward to reading your posts again!!
Tammie, you are back! Looks like you have been busy! Hope all is well and better...
Hi Velvet! So nice to hear from you! I'll definitely have to stop by and see what you've been up to...
Hi Citizen! I've missed reading about your adventures and of course viewing your photography. I'll be paying you a visit to hear more about your fabulous trip...
Hi Deth! Thanks for checking in on me! I hope all is well with you. I'll be stopping by soon to see what's new with you...
Hi KJP! Yes I've been busy, but that's the way it always is! I hope things are going well with you and your family :)
I am sorry to hear about your dog... Yes, they love to severely and their lives are too short...
Glad to see all your wonderful pictures being posted...
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