Hmm… 25 years ago I was 12 years old. A skinny tomboy of a kid with a love for Nancy Drew books, her various pets (cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, fish… you name it) and building forts in the backyard. I’ve been trying to record lots of my childhood memories here.
But what would qualify as the most special from the past 25 years?
Although I have lots of happy memories from the decade between 12 and 22, the best adventure of my life began 3 days before my 22nd birthday, the day my daughter was born.
One of the many advantages of being a single mom is that your precious little offspring ends up being a lot like you.
If mine didn’t come into the world with an innate love of nature and sense of adventure, she developed both qualities soon thereafter.
I remember taking her to the local pool when she was three months old. I set up her little bouncy seat in the shade under a tree, and she wore her little pink sunglasses and beach hat, and she had a blast watching the leaves blowing above her head in the breeze. A woman approached to tell me how brave I was to take my baby out by myself. She said she was afraid to do much of anything with her kids when they were so young because she didn’t think she could handle everything by herself without her husband.
Geez, what would she have thought of…
All of our roadtrips to Maine...
and Massachusetts...

Or what about traveling to New Mexico, and hiking in the middle of nowhere, or driving our trusty rental car over 70 miles of dirt roads to explore the Anasazi ruins?

Or the white water rafting in NM and Colorado...

Or all the camping?? We camped along all 105 miles of Shenendoah National Park...

and so many other places in Colorado, New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania...

Even now, we love to set off and drive, just the two of us, and explore some local trail or historic site we haven't seen yet...
But probably the greatest thing about the past 15 years is watching her grow from an adorable, chubby-cheeked and curious baby into a beautiful young woman.

I can only hope that the next 25 years (God willing...) will be just as awesome, filled with more special memories made with my daughter, and now with my husband too :)
OMG, Tammie. I can see you in her. The resemblance is uncanny. You look like sisters, now. =)
You just gave me a great idea. I think I'll plan a roadtrip for D and myself. Thanks for the suggestion! =)
Great set of photos of you and your daughter - you're both beautiful. I took my first solo-parent trip with the kdis this past week, and really had a great time with it. It's more work, but really wonderful.
I have so much respect for the fearless way you approached being a single mom.
Hi Houseband! Yes, she's a little blond mini-me. Except that my mini-me is taller than me...
Thank you for the sister comment!!
I think a roadtrip would be a fantastic idea for you and D. Get out there and make some great memories together!
Hi CS! And thank you - you're too kind. I did get to read a bit about your solo-parent trip, which sounded fabulous. I'll have to check back and see how the rest of your vacation went...
Hi Travis! Why thank you! I think in the beginning, part of it was a certain comfort-level I had with caring for a baby. My little brother was born when I was 14 and I was another mother to him, so I had lots of practice. But I also had a very willing travel-buddy. Once Mandy went on her first camping trip (aged 2) she was hooked.
That last photo is really striking. Good bone structure on that one. Looks like you've had some good times. :)
That was really great. :), I'm just sorry I didn't read it until today...I am going to link it up to my carnival though. It's too nice NOT to include it.
Hi Diesel! Thanks - she's a cutie, isn't she? Yeah, we've definitely had some good times. She named us the Adventure Girls when she was about 3 years old... we've pretty much lived up to it I think :)
Hi Silver! I'm glad you liked it :) I started reading through some of the other submissions, and there were some really great posts. Thanks for including me (even though I was late!) And Happy Birthday!
What wonderful memories… thank you for sharing them…
Some of my favorite stories are below:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradberry
A Separate Peace Bridge to Terabithia
the Rats of Nimh
The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
I found them on your list also.
Hitchhiker on my old commodore 128 with my kids was the best adventure of all…
And, I did not think anyone would read Bradberry anymore…He is great!
Women after my own heart...
It's good to see women out there adventuring and livin' large...
Absolutely a beautiful post and a great, touching remembrance of 25 very special years...much better than my remembrances ;-)
Hi Steve! Ah yes, some of the best stories ever... and sharing them with your kids makes them even better, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by :)
Hi Scott! Yeah, I knew we had been "adventuring and livin' large" (hehe I like that!) the day my pretty little 8 year old scoffed at the thought of camping in an actual campground with other people. Colorado can do that to ya...
Hi Michael C! Thank you so much! Oh but surely you jest... nothing can rival the way you remember the past 25 years! :)
Nice to read your souvenirs and you did a lot of travel together. Your daughter indeed grew up to a beautiful girl !
Wow - your daughter is so beautiful!! That's so cool you traveled a lot together. I wish I had or do now... :)
Hey, I'm back to say: You’ve been tagged with an award!.
Hi Gattina! Thanks so much! She's even more beautiful on the inside :)
Hi Erica! Yeah, I'm glad we made lots of memories together. You should take more trips! Why don't you?
Hi CS! An award? For me? I guess I'd better go check this out...
Oh, my Lord. She is beautiful. But I shouldn't wonder -- her mom is beautiful too.
Aw, thanks Lizza :)
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