A magic wardrobe – what fun! The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was one of my favorite books as a child and became one of my daughter's favorites when I read it to her.

No one kicks dogs or abuses animals...

No one goes without necessities like food and shelter.
Per standard Walt Disney animated classic rules, all animals know that I am intrinsically good, and I can communicate with them.
And perhaps I’ll even have an animal sidekick to pal around with, as most Disney heroines do. Well, I guess my dogs can fill that position. Especially now that I can talk to them.

When I take my dogs for a visit through the wardrobe, the big guy finds that his old joints don’t ache anymore, and the little guy’s cataracts disappear.
Maybe there can be some crazy flora and fauna I’ve never seen
and I can go nuts with my camera!

And there’s something in the air on the other side…
there’s a light sweet fragrance, and it stimulates endorphin release. Everyone and everything seems a bit happier. Maybe it’s coming from those crazy flowers…
Oh! And cupcakes aren’t fattening. They’re actually considered a health food.

When I was young, I was absolutely smitten with the idea of magic carpets, so they will be one of the standard modes of travel. The others will be bicycles and your own two feet.

Ah… perfect – a map, waiting there for me on the other side of the wardrobe.
Now I can go explore…

Nice job with this! I saw it earlier but none of the pics show up when I'm at work.
This post made me smile!
Great answer! I forgot all about this question. :)
the picture with the Disney animals makes me want to sing "zippity-doo-da"....
Hi Scott! Do you like my magical world? I think it sounds like fun :)
Hi Jeff! Thank you! The Disney picture was my favorite part - my husband always says I'm like Snow White out in the yard.
Hi Travis! Oh, I'm glad! It was a fun question.
Hi Kiyotoe! Thank you! It really was fun to think about. And yes, that picture looks like we're about to burst into song - hee hee! It makes me laugh.
Wow, nice job with the Snow White (?) scene! very well done! Guess we know what you have been up to now!
Hi KJP! LOL glad you liked it. The photo was taken purposely a few years ago with the intent of making a "Snow White" kind of scene, but I never got around to doing anything with it. I actually just whipped that up at work yesterday (I have Photoshop on my computer). I like how it came out :)
I don't know about you, but I've always talked to my dogs, and they understand!
Hi Malathionman! What amazes me about my dogs is the way they talk to me. The lab especially - he will use facial expressions, body language, even herd me toward what he wants like I'm a wayward sheep. Plus he tries to vocalize. The cockapoo, on the other hand, communicates in snorts, sneezes and grunts. And yes, it is amazing how much they understand too. Dogs are great!
Throw in chocolate and red wine, and you may have just described ehaven.
Hi CS! Chocolate and red wine... oh you are so right...
Now THAT world I'd sure love to visit. Talking with animals and eating non-fattening cupcakes would be such a heavenly experience.
Hi Lizza! Yes I agree, and I want to go too. Now I just have to get Kiyotoe to tell me where it is... :)
What a terrific post! I just found your blog thru the round robins...I'll be back.
I would love to ride around on a carpet... That would be so cool. And maybe even eat cupcakes while flying??
Hi Nancy! And thanks so much! Unfortunately, I haven't been here enough recently, but hopefully my schedule will settle down a bit and I'll be back to daily posting...
Hi Erica! LOL eating cupcakes while flying on a magic carpet... sounds like the makings of a perfect day to me :)
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