Work got in the way.
It has been extremely busy around here!
But I still have some questions to answer from Kiyotoe...
The first time I heard "Dream On" by Aerosmith it became kind of a theme song for me (it was like 5 years ago, I know, I'm late).....what song could best serve as a "Tammie Jean" theme song and why?
The great thing about music is that it can be interpreted in many different ways depending on who's listening to it, their life experiences, the effect the music has on them. A song can mean something to one listener and something else to another.
There are many, many songs that speak to me. I love music... all kinds.
A friend of mine asked me recently what would be on my personal soundtrack. Funny - Dream On was on my list. The emotion is his voice is amazing, and the message of “dream until your dreams come true”… Ah, gotta love it. It’s actually been a favorite of mine since I got Greatest Hits on vinyl…geez, I think I was like 10 or 11 at the time.
But my soundtrack also included Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison. Whether the song is about getting through hard times in life and seeing things through to a better day, or if the message is simply “here comes the sun and it's alright”... Either way, it’s a definite on my soundtrack.
Another must-have is Right Here Right Now by Jesus Jones, a song (to me) about savoring the moment, living everyday, and feeling alive.
And I’ve always loved the Soup Dragons remake of I'm Free. That was my mantra all through college. “I’m free to do what I want any ol’ time.” (Plus I love the reggae break in the middle.)
But if I had to pick one main theme song to define who I am, it would have to be Drive by Incubus. It's probably not my favorite song of all time, but the words fit me. “Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there, with open arms and open eyes.” To me, it’s an affirmation to be your own person, to take the wheel and drive yourself instead of letting your fear decide your direction. Live life on your own terms. Don't be afraid to head against the current or let your fear of what "the hive" will think influence your decisions.
I’ve always made sure I've had both hands firmly on the wheel in my life:
- I had no money to go to college, but I worked out a payment plan with the Student Accounts office of a major university so I could pay my tuition on a monthly basis (by working three jobs).
- Although I excelled all my academic subjects I chose to pursue art, for which I’ve always had not only talent but passion.
- I had a child out of wedlock fully aware that I would be an “only parent”.
- I moved 3,000 miles away from home in the name of love and then subsequently back in the name of family a year later.
- I’ve road tripped alone with a highway map and no set plans, watched the sun set on a beach while sharing wine and cheese with strangers, and slept in the car when I couldn’t find a room. (Always travel with a pillow).
- I opted not to date for 7 years while I raised my daughter so that I could focus my attention on her and my career without the distractions of a new relationship.
- I traveled extensively, just my daughter and I, when I was absolutely broke, charging everything on the credit card in favor of making memories over practicality. (No, I’m no longer in debt, and I have photo albums full of the wonderful adventures I took during my “poor” years).
- I said “no” to a marriage proposal that didn’t feel right, and I said “yes” to one that did after only 6 months of dating.
I’ve never looked back with regret.
I’ve always been the one in the driver’s seat. This song is my song. Carpe diem.
As you can see, I've been checking in on you everyday so i'm glad to see you're back. The real world sucks like that sometimes right?
thanks for playing along with my interrogation.....even if it did take 6 months :)
just kidding.
Welcome back! I missed your writing.
I like that you did things your way and don't look back with regret.
Great list of tunes, Tammie! =)
I exactly have the same sentiments for Incubus' Drive. Though my favorite Incubus song is Wish You Were Here.
They wrote "Dream On" when they were really young.
I am so glad you are OK. I was concerned.
(Thought maybe hubby saw those vavavavoom pics and pulled the plug...)
That's a perfect choice. I really like the lyrics to that song a lot, don't know if I'd consider it my "theme" song though.
And funnily enough, I was singing "I'm Free" to myself at work last Friday. I hadn't even THOUGHT of that song since I was like 13 or so.
Wondered where you'd wandered off to. I'm with you on being the one in the driver's seat. Although I'm not sure I'd be cut out not to date for 7 years. But I could make it not the focus to put the kids first.
I actually have my own theme song, written for me by a friend. I';s called Hey Hey Hey Homie Bear and it pretty much kicks ass.
Hi Kiyotoe! Checking in every day, hmm? Sounds like maybe you missed me :)
Hi Travis! You did? Really? Thank you! I can't wait to catch up on what everyone has been up to the past few weeks...
Hi Houseband! I agree - Wish You Were Here is the song that got me hooked on them in the first place.
Hi Scott! You were concerned? Aw, thank you! I feel so loved!
Nah, hubby would never get upset over my pics - he doesn't mind if I share them.
Hi Silver! How are you? Yeah, I'm Free is a happy one... a good blast from the past :)
Hi CS! Yeah, I wished I'd been gone for something a little more exciting than work, but c'est la vie... And yes, 7 years was a long time. It could have been shorter had a met anyone I found worthwhile during that time, but I'm into quality (and probably very picky in my old age!) and wouldn't just date to date.
Hi Homie Bear!! That sounds awesome! In what musical genre would your song be classified, and where can we hear it?
That's amazing. That you travelled and were in control of your life. In envy you, really. I know that I will look back with much regret for making decisions based on man or money. I don't know that I have a song that defines me, that's a blog post I will have to consider.
Hi Jules! To be honest, it didn't always feel like I was in control. Sometimes it felt like I was the victim of circumstances, some beyond my control and some a result of previous decisions I had made. But I truly believe that life isn't all luck of the draw - it's in playing your hand well, whether you were dealt all the "good" cards or not. So I just try to play well every day ;)
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