Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Friends Butch and Scruffy

“We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults.
Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment.”
(George Elliot)

The current theme over at The Round Robin Photo Challenges is friendship. My best friends in the whole world are my amazing 15 year old daughter Mandy and my wonderful husband Sean. But I don’t generally post photos of them here.

Hmm… so who’s next in line? My adorable sons, Butchie and Scruffy.
They don’t mind the posting so much. They are undeniably exhibitionists, given the things they do in public.

And they are undeniably my friends.
  • They are always happy to see me.
  • When I get home from work at night, they run in circles and wag their entire bodies.
  • When I am sad, they know it, and they’ll simply cuddle up next to me quietly and keep me company.
  • They expect very little from me, other than daily food and water.
  • But they delight in my company – my presence alone will make their ears stick out, their eyes brighten, and their steps bouncy.
Their unconditional love is a gift.

But it’s not so easy to snap a photo of either one of my boys.

Scruffy needs to be under my feet at all times. When I try to back away from him to frame up a shot, he comes running. Try to snap a candid of him sniffing around the yard and he does the same thing the moment he notices me. And if he’s not directly next to me, he is seated with his back to me, guarding me from anyone who dares to approach. Not that he would know what to do with advancing enemies, but he’s always got his eye on them just the same.

So my only option for getting a photo of him this week was to be in the shot with him. Although he’s 15 years old, he’s constantly moving, so I set up the tripod, set the timer for 20 shots - one every 5 seconds, and crossed my fingers. Most were blurry, but two came out pretty decent…

Butchie, on the other hand, is downright camera-shy. Or is it camera-weary? He used to tolerate my picture taking, but now he’s just plain fed up with me. If he had the ability, I believe he would stick his fingers in his mouth and stretch out his cheeks like an annoying 8-year-old just to mess up my shots. He’s tried sticking out his tongue at me, but alas, I am undeterred. When he sees the camera come out, even before I’ve turned it on and raised it up to my eye, he’s gotten up and walked away. Seriously.

So the only way to snap a shot of him is when he’s half-asleep on the couch and too lazy to get up…

Or as he's rubbing he head on my knees in an attempt to persuade me to rub his ears...

The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend.

I have no wealth to bestow on him.
If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward.
Is not friendship divine in this?
(Henry David Thoreau)


Erica Ann Putis said...

They are sooo cute. Puppies of all ages are so freaking cute. :)

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Erica! And thank you! Yes, both of my puppies are actually very old men (turning 14 and 16 this year!) But they are still my puppies :)

Jeff Roberts said...

Yeah, we keep considering getting a dog...but we're away from home way too much and unlike kids they don't eventually get old enough to mostly take care of I keep some healty treats in the garage for the neighbor's dog.

Carly said...

What a great entry! :) I love the photos you chose! :) I agree with Erica... they puppies are just too cute. :) Thanks for playing along.

Always, Carly

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Jeff! Aw, that's so sweet of you to keep treats for the neighbor's dog! My lab likes going for rides in the car because in addition to hanging his head out the window, he usually gets dog treats from the woman at the McDonald's drive-thru, the woman at the bank, and the people at Petco :)

Hi Carly! And thank you! It wasn't easy getting decent photos from my uncooperative pups, but I enjoyed the challenge ;)

Nikki Neurotic said...

Aww, so adorable!

I had a black lab that just could not sit for a picture. Everytime you attempted to take one of her she's run to the camera. Our German Shepard on the other hand...she's a total ham. Her and my sister spend a good half hour posing for pictures for me yesterday.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Silver! Aw, how cute that your Shepherd is cooperative. My lab used to be - he would sit where I asked him to, even wear a hat on his head, and STAY until I backed up and took the pic. I guess he's sick of that stuff now!

Suzanne R said...

Friendship with animals is in a league of its own. I have cats now, but I know that what you say about dogs that love you is so true. Very nice entry!

Malathionman said...

T.J.-I came by your site via Erica's site. Nice pictures. I recently posted a picture of my dog. It wasn't as cute as your pictures. Take it easy see ya around.

Teena in Toronto said...

What cute dogs! I have a dog and two cats ... they are soooo used to me taking pix of them.

Mine's up too :)

Steven said...

Cool shots! Great expressions of friendships.

Anonymous said...

Ah, it doesn't get much cuter than that!

Ingrid said...

They have it already in their eyes ! all friendship and fidelity ! very cute doggy pictures !

Karen Funk Blocher said...

I love all of these pictures, but the first one is really extraordinary. It would almost be a painting!

Kiyotoe said...

those really were great pictures. This post makes me think about my babies. My brother and I bought two huskies when we were living together and then we both moved in with our girlfriends about a year ago so we had to split the dogs up (one boy, one girl) and it killed us to do it because they'd never been separated before.

well, my brother is on vacation so the girl is staying with us and we're all loving it, but it's gonna suck when she goes home in a week.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Suzanne R! Yes, I agree. There's nothing quite like the love from a pet.

Hi Malathionman! How nice of you to vist! I will have to stop by and check out your puppy pic :)

Hi Teena! Pets are just sitting ducks when the camera comes out, aren't they? It would be a lot easier, though, if mine would just cooperate! I'll be stopping by to check out your entry soon...

Hi Steven! Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to checking out your entry as well.

Hi Cosette! Aw, thanks. That's the perfect thing to say to a proud mama!

Hi Gattina! It's true, don't the eyes say it all? Thanks so much for stopping by :)

Hi Karen! Thank you so much! I did love the way the lighting came out in that one.

Hi Kiyotoe! Aw, that's so sweet that the dogs get to have a visit! You should try to get them together more often. My lab only gets to see my father a few times a year, but he remembers him every time. I think they become just as attached to us as we are to them.

MariesImages said...

All great shots, but I just love the ones that you are in. Looks like you used natural light...EXCELLENT!!! You really should frames these!

Lizza said...

Your loyal friends are adorable.

But you, Tammie Jean, look absolutely breathtaking! Wow.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Marie! And thank you! Yes you're right, of course. Natural light from a nearby window, my favorite light source.

Hi Lizza! And oh my goodness, THANK YOU! You sure know how to make someone smile - thanks for making my day :)

kmm said...

I came to visit round robin, then got side tracked. I just love your blog and photos. The little critter photo of the squirrel is just so cute. I had never seen a real live one until 2006 in the Uk and think they are so gorgeous. Cheers Kerrin

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Kerrin! And thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and my little spot in the blog world :)

That critter in the photo is actually a baby chipmunk. He attempted to climb the tree, but didn't get very far before his little legs let go. Luckily he wasn't very far up.