Question number two in CSL's interview: You occasionally post some really beautiful nature photos, although not enough of them to my way of thinking. What is your favorite sort of thing to photograph.
As I look over the subfolders within “My Pictures”, the largest are probably those labeled:
Flowers (yes, even dandelions)

and Critters

(and there are many, many subfolders in each of those).
Nature is what inspires me to drop my fork (or my book, or my toothbrush…), grab the camera and run outside. Maybe it’s because the light is coming through the trees and illuminating the daffodils just so, maybe it’s the call of the pileated woodpecker that likes to come and land on the rotting tree stump in the back yard, or maybe it’s a planned event, like “I’m going to go look for spiders in the garden.”
I love that I don’t have to venture very far to take great photos; there are opportunities everywhere, right outside my back door.

"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself." (Henry Miller)
I've always taken photos just for fun, and sometimes to preserve a vision to later draw or paint from, but it's never been for profit. However, because I’ve been desperate to get out of the drudgery of my 9-5 and the hellacious daily commute that goes with it, I’d been trying to think of an angle…
Well, I think I’ve found it. And I love it. And, believe it or not, it’s been keeping me busy every single weekend, and during the week too, at night after work. So maybe someday soon I will be able to leave Corporate America and just be a Photographer. I’m working on it.
So here’s how it started: I took some photos of myself to give to my husband. Nothing raunchy, but definitely flirtatious - artistic with a dash of enticement. Little surprises for him to open with his email when he got home from work.

I told Steffy, a friend of mine, what I had done. She thought the idea was brilliant. Could I take her photo too? Absolutely!
Her husband loved them.
But what was immensely rewarding to me was Steffy’s reaction to her own photos. She used to be extremely overweight, she told me. She had always been exceedingly self conscious of her body. She has stretch marks; she’s self conscious of this and hates that.
“That’s what Photoshop is for,” I told her. "And creative lighting. We'll only highlight the parts you like."
When she saw the final results, she said it was the first time she had ever felt sexy in her entire life. Steffy is 49 years old.
Around the same time, another friend of mine had some boudoir photos taken professionally by a local photographer. The poses were nice, the outfits were alluring, and the pictures were horrible. Her face was blown out by too much flash while the rest of her was obscured by shadow. She paid good money for them, and they were mere snapshots from my perspective.
If I had doubted my photographic abilities up to that point, I had just given a boost of confidence. Not just from the fact that this guy made money from taking these crappy pictures. What really pushed me over the edge was that my friend loved the photos. She was overjoyed with them.
And I could do so much better…
So I’ve invested in some local advertising, and it’s becoming clear very quickly that I’ve found my niche.
And I love it. I love choosing the best shots, and perfecting each one into its own little masterpiece of light and shadow and human form. I love that I can make people (men and women) feel comfortable in my presence and relaxed enough to let their guards down. I love that I can give them a boost of confidence and make them feel good about themselves.
And I love when they see their final photos. Their eyes open wide and their mouths hang agape as they exclaim, "I look gorgeous!"
So in answer to your question, I guess it’s a tie.
To my husband’s continual dismay, I will always be the lunatic out in the yard, prostrate in the mud, photographing a frog, or a beetle, or a mushroom.

But I’ve discovered a new love for photographing the human form and lovely soft-lit portraits. Everyone has something beautiful about them, and I enjoy proving that to people who may have their doubts about their own beauty.
showing women the beauty in themselves is EXACTLY what got me into so much trouble in college. (see: professional flirter in recent post).
Anyway, i'm trying my best to think of a respectful, complimentary, tasteful, least likely to get me beat up, way to tell you that you're a beautiful woman.
Oh wait......"you're a beautiful woman". :)
It takes a lot of patience and, of course, a good and appreciative eye for things to be able to enjoy photography.
You, Tammie, are a very talented one. =)
I just adore the Bettie Page pose. =)
Amazing photography! Wow!
hi - came over from Akelamalu - your photographs are gorgeous!!
Wow, great pics. I'm trying to decide if I like the ant one or the bikini one better.
It's great to learn that you've found your niche and that you'll be earning from doing something you love.
Another thing to add on my list of things do to before I die: go to Tammie Jean to have my photo taken! :-)
Wow, your photographs are awesome!
Thanks for commenting on my blog, otherwise I might never have found yours!! I'll be back to see more of your talented photos. :)
Hi Kiyotoe! Aw, thank you! That was very sweet :) A professional, hmm? I can see that...
Hi Houseband! Thank you so much! I think you're right - patience and an appreciate eye - well said! And yes, I'm a big fan of the pinup style, although it's not the only style that I shoot. Glad you like it :)
Hi Michael C! And thank you! I try :)
Hi La Bellina Mammina! (what a fun name to say!) Thanks so much for the compliment and for stopping by! I'll have to pay you a visit as well :)
Hi Diesel! LOL!! You are to funny! It's kind of a sexy ant though...
Hi Lizza! Yes, that's the goal. I want to be doing something that I love, instead of just a "job". And yes - come to New York for your photo shoot! That would be fun :)
Hi Akelamalu! Thank you so much! Actually, I think you commented on mine first, a week or two ago ;) Nice to see you!
PS I just realised I have been by before! DOH! What am I like?
I do love your pictures !
Hi Akelamalu! LOL maybe I need to make my visits more frequent so you remember me ;)
Hi Bankerchick! And thank you so much!
Good for you! It's fantastic that you've found a way to make a profit with something you love to do.
Wow! Those are such beautiful pictures and its so cool that you can make other feel good about themselves. I really hope your hobby becomes your job because you are great at it. :)
Hi Travis! And thanks! It's not enough to take the place of the day job yet, but it's really good part time money. I'll just keep plugging away...
Hi Erica! Yes, making people feel good about themselves was an unexpected benefit of this little venture. I like that part! Thanks for the encouragement :)
YOu picked a great set of photos for this question. I can never get a decent photo of myself - wich you lived closer, I'd hire you.
Thanks CS! People always tell me they're not photogenic, but I can get a great photo of anyone... I bet it wouldn't be hard at all to get a great photo of you! Let me know if you ever come to NY...
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