Sometimes when I'm feeling not-so-inpired to take photos, I find that I just have to look a little closer. Zooming in on something can reveal interesting details that you may not notice at first glance.
I checked out a local hiking trail recently. It wasn't all that picturesque, but I enjoyed photographing the details of an old barn along the trail. I loved that the barn was blue, instead of the usual red...

and I like how the color weathered around the old hinges...
and the colors of the planks on the wall most exposed to the elements...
Even the old rusted farm equipment made for interesting compositions when I got up close to it...

Of course I spent plenty of time photographing the birds...
And the chipmunks running around...
But when they weren't cooperating, I focussed in on some of the old logs they were hiding out in...

I may go back again and see what else I can find. But this time I'll make sure I smother myself in bugspray so I don't have to run for my life on the way out of there. The tripod, camera bag and backpack were all slowing me down as I tried desperately to escape the onslaught of mosquitos...
"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself." - Henry Miller
Brilliant Tammie! (both the idea AND the entry...well done!)
I love photos of weathered and rusty stuff.
This entry is so well done. You have a theme, rather than like my hodgepodge of photos. I used to have an old reddish-brown barn but it had to come down because it was a danger due to windstorm damage. I felt bad about that because it was very picturesque and held so many old memories from when my late husband and I were first courting and he brought me here, where his parents lived then. It's neat that no one has torn this one down yet.
Oh my! I love the blue door ones, especially. Beautiful!
Hi Tammie Jean
LOVED your idea, and really loved your entry. I have been taking a much slower and closer look at my photos and the details. It is such a wonderful surprise when I realize I have captured an interesting feature I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. I really appreciated this topic. Good JOB!
Always, Carly :)
Blue is an interesting color for a barn...perhaps the farmer that painted is was a bit of a rebel.
Your pictures are absolutely marvellous ! I love all of them very, very special especially the barn and equipment photos. But my heart cracked for the little chipmonk of course !
Beauty is in the micro details the blue barn door is fantastic!
That last picture.. mmmmm wonderful.
I too like the blue wood planks you found. How unusual!
Yes, next time, take along the mossie repellant...
I like the light in these, especially the log and the farm equipment. Very nice details.
Thanks for selecting details. Had good fun shooting my photo for the topic.
Hi Nancy! Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by :)
Hi Mist! I like old weathered stuff too - it has character.
Hi Suzanne! Too bad about that old barn. I hope you got some photos of it before it was taken down. This one is actually on an historic property, so hopefully they'll leave it up.
Hi Vicki! Thanks! I just loved that color. Thanks for stopping by :)
Hi Carly! Yeah, it's neat when you find something in a photo that you might not have noticed otherwise. I also like the way looking at the world through the camera lens gives a different perspective on things.
Hi Silver! I like your take on the blue barn! My daughter and I do that sort of thing often - try to invent the story behind a person or a place. I like the idea of a rebel farmer...
Hi Gattina! Thanks so much! I really had a good time exploring that trail - I'll have to go back and see what else I can find :)
Hi Bankerchick! And thank you! I really liked how those came out too :)
Hi Scott! Thanks - I liked that one too. And yes, I'm definitely bringing repellant next time. I had to run about 1/2 mile uphill with all my equipment to get out of there - I was a sweaty, gasping, bitten-up mess by the time I got to my car.
Hi Steven! Thank you - I did get decent lighting on a few of them. It was late in the day and I was in the woods, so it was kind of hit or miss. Glad you enjoyed the topic :)
Hey TJ - came over from Lizza's. Nice shots - great colour and detail. I would have taken 50 shots of that plank wall...
The photos are lovely, but I especially liked the first one. It looks so peaceful.
Hope the mosquitoes don't get to you next time!
awww, the chippie is so cute! that last shot looks like a skeleton hand! Awesome topic, I had fun with it!
I've recently started carrying my camera with me everywhere... But when you go somewhere and photograph a ton of things, do you find that you don't want to go back to that place again?
These are all fantastic pictures, and what a great theme you've chosen! I love that indigo color, and the way you've found meaning and beauty by doing just what you said - focus on the details! Well done!
Hi Penfold! So nice of you to stop by! Yeah, I liked that wall too... I'm drawn to old weathered things. Good luck with Big Blogger!
Hi Lizza! Thanks so much! It really was a fun hike, even with all the mosquitos...
Hi Janet! Yeah, the last shot had some creepy late-day lighting and a few spider webs :) Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Erica! No, not really. Because things change depending on the season, or even the time of day. I've probably taken thousands of photos in my backyard but I still go back for more. There's always something new, or a different perspective, better lighting... Will we be seeing some Erica Photography on your blog?
Hi Karen! Sometimes if a photo isn't really coming to me, I switch to the zoom and look again. The details may be even more interesting than the subject as a whole. Thanks for the visit!
Wonderful details on those photos. And it is interesting to see a blue barn rather than the standard red.
Great stuff!!! Some of those barn photos might end up as my desktop's wallpaper ;-)
Hi Travis! And thanks! It was a really interesting blue color too, definitely unexpected.
Hi Michael C! Thanks so much - glad you like them!
I like the Henry Miller quote. And as you know, these are some of my favorite types of photos. And I love old doors, both for their visual appeal and for their metaphor. Nice work.
What fantastic photos! You have a great eye and prove it again and again. :)
Hi CS! Thank you! I've actually been taking a lot of photos lately, so I will have more to share. And your photos are always an inspiration :)
Hi Velvet! Thanks so much - I really appreciate it! Especially coming from someone with a great eye herself ;)
Great Photos! ~ jb///
Thanks JB!
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