That’s nice to hear from the kid that I’ve poured the past 15 years of my life into. And no, it wasn’t uttered on the way to the concert I took her to recently, or because I let her stay out an hour later than usual with her friends, or after I gave her 20 bucks as I dropped her off at the mall.
It was actually after we finished a chat about boyfriends and relationships and life. I love that Mandy still talks to me about things. It’s gratifying that she trusts me, and appreciates my understanding ear and occasional advice.
Deep down, we all just want to be appreciated, don’t we? I know I do.
So I was extremely honored to be tagged with the Rockin’ Girl Blogger award by one of my favorite bloggers, my friend CS of Another Tangential Thinker. Granted, she tagged me with it about a month ago and probably thinks that I’ve forgotten about it, but I really am delighted!
But am I a Rockin’ Blogger?
Well, I’m not so sure about that. My blog isn’t all that rockin’… I tend to stay away from the controversial stuff, like religion or politics, or any of the hot buttons that get people to go from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye. You know what they are.
Additionally, I don’t curse much on here, haven’t posted any naked photos of myself, I don’t recall launching into any rants… not much of a rebel, am I?
No, I'm not one to rock the boat. I prefer to float along peacefully, taking in the sights, reflecting on the ones I’ve already seen, smiling at those who are traveling with me and recalling those with whom I’ve traveled before.
I’m not so sure I’m worthy of a Rockin’ Girl Blogger award. I’m just not that cool.
(But I’m honored that CS thinks so - Thank you!)
However, I think all of the women whose blogs I frequent are Rockin’ Girl Bloggers. Although I don’t come around to your blogs as often as I’d like (I will when I become independently wealthy and leave this cubicle life far, far behind me), I truly think you’re all so talented and your writing always brings me back for more. My sidebar is full of Rockin’ Girl Bloggers. (Rockin' Boy Bloggers too, but I don't think I've been authorized to distribute any of those.)
Many of you have already received this award, but if you haven’t, come pick it up! Here it is…

I’m telling you, You rock! Don’t ever change!
And for those of you who employ the "leapfrog method" of finding great blogs, I encourage you to check out my Favorite Destinations. There are so many wonderful writers out there...
But you do rock! You shouldn't argue the fact because your teenage daughter told you, too, and as you know, teenagers are always right. ;)
Hi Velvet! Well here's the thing: out in the real world, I definitely rock. No question. But I'm not so sure my blog rocks. I think it's pretty mellow, more like easy listening than rock :)
Your writing makes me feel like I'm in a dream world floating!! Take me away Calgon - I mean, Tammie Jean... And that's why you rock!! You don't need to be bad ass to be cool!
You are such a gifted writer, Tammie. No doubt! =)
Velvet - by the way, YOU rock too!!! Part mommy, part wife, part sexy woman getting spring fever! Your honesty and your writing are so compelling... a Rockin' Girl Blogger if ever there was one.
Hi Erica! You mean, like, I rock in my own way, just for being me? Seriously, thanks! I think YOU rock - you are funny, witty, cute and dorky and crazy! You're definitely a Rockin Girl Blogger.
Hi Houseband! Aw, thank you. I think the same of you. You have a way of describing your world, your thoughts and feelings and dreams... you make us feel like we're there with you.
Of course your blog rocks!
Your stories are excellent, your photography is beautiful. That is where your rock-ness shines.
Hi Travis! And thank you for the kind words, my friend. I noticed that you already have not only a Rockin Boy Blogger award, but an honorary Rockin Girl Blogger award too! Not quite sure how that works exactly, but any awards you receive are well-deserved. You are one of those excellent writers I was referring to in my post - you ROCK :)
Man, is nobody ever going to tag me for this one?
That's so cool that your (15 year old?) daughter still talks to you about stuff. I keep hearing "sure, they're sweet now, but wait until they become teenagers." It's nice to know that they don't all go bad.
15 year olds speak? I never knew.
Hi Diesel! You haven't been tagged as a Rockin' Boy Blogger yet??? Because, c'mon, seriously, we all know you should be! Even if your wonderful photoshopping abilities were somehow overlooked, your hilarious sense of humor is undeniable. You definitely Rock!
(And no, they don't all go bad... just keep listening and being involved so they keep talking to you).
Hi Variant E! LOL yes, they do. Mostly to each other, via IM's consisting of cryptic codes and a lot of teenage jargon we're not cool enough to understand. Occasionally you can get one to communicate with you, although it still may not be in a language you can understand...
aww TJ, i think you know you rock, you just want to play that humble role. That's okay, i do it all the time ;)
You deserve the recognition, I've grown very fond of your storytelling.
And i don't say that to all my "bloggies".
You must really rock if your 15 year old still talks. DD1 and I quit talking at about 15 but DD2 and I talked all the way thru high school and beyond
That's a cool award. You definately rock. You "Rock the Casbah."
That is great that you and your daughter still talk about stuff. Communication and understanding are very important in a parent/child relationship. ~ jb///
You're right. You're much more like easy listening...
Maybe even a touch of some jazz in the mix...
Oh, yeah, that award. I'm not sure bad language is a requirement, nor controversial topics. I do some of those, but I don't want the blogs I love to be clones. There are many kinds of rock out there - your style suits you completely. (And hey, I never posted naked photos of myself!)
Hi Kiyotoe! And thank you :) Perhaps I was taking the whole "Rockin" part too literally? I feel like this blog is too mellow to rock. You, on the other hand, definitely ROCK! You're never afraid to open up those cans of worms, and I like that about you.
Hi Bankerchick! Yes, so far we're still talking. It's tricky sometimes, though, trying to stay the cool, approachable friend-mom while making the big parent-mom decisions, laying down the law, and occasionally uttering those big ugly words: "You're grounded!"
Hi Malathionman! And thank you! Although I'm not so sure I'll be thanking you later... I think I'm already getting that song stuck in my head... ;)
Hi Lazy! Well I certainly try to keep the communication going. It's hard to stay objective when you see them growing up so quickly, right before your eyes, doing all the things you remember doing at that age... I was wondering if I could just ground her until she's 20? ;)
Hi Scott! With a little bit of jazz thrown in? Do you really think so? I like that! Now I feel cooler... thanks buddy :)
Hi CS! Yes, that award! Thanks so much for thinking of me! And you should end that last sentence with "yet"... y'never know... ;)
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