Fresh-baked muffins from Hannaford, and coffee coolata and chai tea from Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.
McDonald’s fish sandwiches and French fries for lunch.
Skittles to snack on in between.
Wrappers and crumbs all over the car.
But there’s nothing like new technology to make the trip more enjoyable… Mapquest tells me how long I’ll be on each highway so I know when to start looking for the next junction. EZ Pass works from Maine to Virginia so I don’t have to mess with quarters or even slow down for tolls. And satellite radio saves me from the insanity of long stretches of thoroughfare through which no radio signal can be detected.
Still, it’s the company that makes a road trip enjoyable, and long talks with Mandy are a truly pleasurable treat. Especially now that she’s a teenager, and her time expenditure with family has decreased as time with friends increases (as it should). But it’s nice that she can still enjoy a weekend away with me and appreciate the place that I have circled on the map…

The next morning we had been so excited to finally view our surroundings. Unzipping a tent flap, we had our first glimpse of the wild horses grazing right outside our window. It was the first of many encounters with the wild (yet semi-tame) inhabitants of that sandy tract of land off the coast of Maryland.

Sometimes, no matter how much you plan, things can go wrong while you’re on vacation.
You envision relaxation, quality time, summer sun and summer fun, and you get them. But every now and then you also get some tests thrown in for good measure, just to see how badly you want that summer fun…
Like when I started to erect the tent, and I realized that there was a pole missing. You know, the one whose sections won’t come apart anymore, so it doesn’t fit into the tent bag? It was still at home, of course, leaning indignantly against the corner of the garage, arms folded, eyebrows raised – yes, I admit it, completely forgotten.
So I got into the car and drove up the road to the camp supply store to buy a new pole, and while I was driving the battery light came on. The battery light, of course, should not come on while I’m driving. (Dad would need to replace the alternator before I made the trip home).
And when I brought the replacement pole back to camp, I quickly discovered that there was just no way it would work in conjunction with the other poles.
In the meantime, the ocean wind was transforming the tent into a wild, unruly parachute. And as I tackled the disobedient mess to prevent it from escaping down the beach, I snapped one of the smaller fiberglass poles and finally admitted defeat.

We put up the tent by the light of the moon.
Yes, this was how my first night of vacation began.
Tent? Broken.
Car? Broken.
Oh and by the way, Mandy? Major cramps, so she was broken too. But at least we had Tylenol with Codeine.
And hey, the new tent was cool, and we were camping on the beach and the weather was glorious.
So we took long walks on the sand, tiptoeing past the scurrying “ghost crabs” and occasionally reaching down to collect some small treasure offered up by the waves.
We built sand castles and took naps.
We rode our bikes to the camp store for scoops of soft ice cream.
I loaded up on bugspray and ventured into the marsh on the other side of the island to photograph the horses grazing on the tall grass.
Yes, this was how my first night of vacation began.
Tent? Broken.
Car? Broken.
Oh and by the way, Mandy? Major cramps, so she was broken too. But at least we had Tylenol with Codeine.
And hey, the new tent was cool, and we were camping on the beach and the weather was glorious.
So we took long walks on the sand, tiptoeing past the scurrying “ghost crabs” and occasionally reaching down to collect some small treasure offered up by the waves.
We built sand castles and took naps.
We rode our bikes to the camp store for scoops of soft ice cream.
I loaded up on bugspray and ventured into the marsh on the other side of the island to photograph the horses grazing on the tall grass.

The nights were incredible. There was a thick blanket of stars overhead every evening; not a cloud in the sky. And since the full moon reflected so brightly off all the white sand, we never needed to carry flashlights.
We roasted hot dogs over the fire my father proudly built every night, and later we toasted marshmallows for dessert.

Nighttime walks on the beach were an entirely different experience, something magically eerie. The moon illuminated just enough to show the way, but the night still cloaked enough of our surroundings to make it feel mysterious and exhilarating. And with the view slightly veiled, our other senses came alive, soaking up the sound of the waves and of the birds hunting for crabs in the silvery darkness, the smell of the salty ocean mist, the feel of the cool sand massaging our feet as we walked.
We could see the lights from Ocean City twinkling in the distance, a reminder of just how far we were from the crowds of the boardwalk...
(Next post: more about the horses)
Truly Awesome.
That sounds like an amazing trip.
I love the mental picture of the blanket of stars over the ghost crabs. Just too cool.
Hi Hazmatt! Yeah, it's a great place. It's as uncrowded and peaceful as you can get when you're "car camping". There are actually some sites there that you have to hike a mile down the beach to get to... I may have to try one of those next time :)
It's not a real camping trip unless something goes wrong or breaks.
Wild horses on the beach. Very cool.
God, I used Mapquest to get directions the other night, and they put me in the middle of nowhere on an old back road that was supposed to be the most direct route there. Mapquest is all right most of the time, but I don't think it knows anything about the kinds of roads it tells you to take.
Hi Malathionman! Hmm... I've always thought it's not real camping unless you get mosquito bites. My trip qualifies by both definitions :)
Hi Patty O! You know, Mapquest used to have tabs above the directions for different trip options like main roads only, shortest distance (which may not be main roads), etc. I noticed they don't do that anymore, but you're right - it would be helpful to know what kind of road you're going to be on.
tammie jean ~ I loved reading about the trip. It sounds like you guys loved it too! As for your dad, how was it you put it?... "I just couldn’t imagine sleeping shoulder to shoulder with the man who snores a song only a warthog could appreciate." I don't want to hear about my wife getting a hold of that line because she could more than likely use it on ME! ~ Sorry to hear that your SPECIAL Romantic Natural Bridge engagement place in Aruba is GONE! Bummer! ~ jb///
Note to self: Make reservations for Aruba!
Hi JB! I love Aruba and have been there several times, starting with the trip that included my husband's proposal. One thing about the natural bridge collapse - no one else will be getting engaged on top of it the way we did! So maybe that makes it more special :)
Gees, Tammi, are you sure you are not related to me? You have had a Kris style vacation!
My phone rang while I was reading this, and it startled me. Your descriptions had me so in the moment that I briefly forgot where I was.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful vacation.
Hopefully that's all the broken stuff you had to deal with.
The campus police went way overboard. He was already on the ground, they had him in handcuffs, and they still tasered him. Unbelievable.
Camping is always an iffy proposition, however, once you got settled, it seems a perfectly glorious vacation. We have just put a deposit on a Camping trailer for our trips around the country, I just can't rough it any more. I'll have pictures up soon. Your pictures are fab!
Hi KJP! Y'know, I don't know what happened with this trip. Is this the sort of thing that usually happens to you?? I'm usually the person that has the best luck! Oh well, it all worked out :)
Hi Travis! Aw, what a wonderful compliment - thank you so much! But no, that wasn't all the broken stuff. Unfortunately, there was more to come...
Hi Patty O! That is really crazy. You'd think he went at Kerry with a knife or something.
Hi Bankerchick! Oooooh, a camping trailer? I'm jealous! Sean and I always talk about getting one to tour the country with - someday... I can't wait to see your pics!
Wow, Tammie Jean! I could picture everything so clearly in my mind the way you wrote it. What would a camping trip be without the occasional snafu?
You just made me miss the beach at night again. Grrr...
Hi Lizza! I think the beach at night is my new favorite thing! But since I don't live near enough to a beach, I'll need to plan another vacation soon...
Sounds totally awesome. And you did not invite the rest of us? Why? I was free, I think. Next time then?
Hi Bud! Next time - absolutely! Can you pitch a tent? (Geez, that didn't come out right...)
Assateague? Really?
Neat horsies.
Hey! Who are the two teenaged girls in the first picture?
You have a great way of making readers feel like they're on the trip with you. You're a great writer.
I'm new in the blogging world and found your page via Kiyotoe.
I used to love road trips when I was younger but the older I get, the less I want to be bothered.
But your trip sounds like a lot of fun. They usually do.
Next time, invite me ;-)
Hi Diesel! Yeah, they were pretty neat. Very playful, too.
Hi Scott! Aw, you sure know how to make an old lady smile ;)
Hi Piekny! Nice to meet you, and thanks so much for the compliment! I'll be sure to stop by your blog and say hello...
Hi Kiyotoe! Road trips do take some work, especially if you're planning to rough it a bit, but I enjoy that sort of thing.
So you're in for the next trip, hmm? Cool...
What a great vacation! SOUnds like you guys had a fabulous time. I'm so glad for you. And welcome back.
How wonderful! You make me feel like I'm out there with you, walking in the moonlight.
I didn't know you could camp on Assateague. It sounds like a great place. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the horses.
Hi CS! It really was a fabulous getaway, something I definitely needed.
Hi Vicki! Yes, it's a great place to camp because you get to see more of the wildlife than just driving through the park. You should try it sometime!
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