Sunday, October 7, 2007

Photos from the back yard

As many of you know, I've been going through a tough time lately. One thing that I find very therapeutic is taking photos.

The theme this week over at Round Robin Photo Challenges was suggested by me: Back Yard Photography. When I'm feeling uninspired and don't know what to do with myself, I always know that I can take my camera out into the yard and find something to photograph.

Usually it's the critters that catch my eye...

But this past weekend, I needed to get away from the house, get out of town,
get some fresh air and clear my head. So I didn't take any photos in my backyard.

Instead, I took them in my brother's back yard.

He bought a farm in central NY a few years ago, and shame on me for not getting up there for a visit before now. He used to rent it out, but this summer he's been using it as a weekend getaway. And hey, I needed to get away... Of course, I brought the camera and had a good ol' time...

Besides, he has cooler things in his yard...

Of course, I still had my eye on the little things, like this snail in the pond...

Overall, it was an awesome day and just what I needed. I can't wait to go back.

Next post I'll share some more from my farm photo safari...


Karen Funk Blocher said...

Oh, what an awesome collection of photos! Some of them would make great posters or framed prints. I've glad you were able to get away and de-stress a bit, especially if you can bring back photos like these!

Carly said...

Hi Tammie :)

I am impressed! You posted some stunning photos here. I especially like the old truck with the flowers. Very, very well done. :) You have an amazing talent, I am so glad you share it with us. :)

Always, Carly

Steven said...

Stunning indeed! You have an eye for details. Love the little toad's feet. The whole set is fantastic.

Thanks for suggesting the topic :-)

Travis Cody said...

Wonderful photos as always. And that looks like a great piece of property.

MyMaracas said...

I'm so glad you were able to get away for a while. These are such beautiful photos; I especially like the old truck. Beatiful, as always, and thanks for the fun assignment!


Scott from Oregon said...

I'm happy to see you out doing what you so obviously excell at.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Karen! And thanks so much! I was feeling very inspired at the farm, although I think I may have gone off my own topic a bit :)

Hi Carly! Yes, I think the old truck may be my favorite one too. Funny thing is, I don't think my brother even understood why I was over there taking photos of his old hunk of junk ...

Hi Steven! The little toad is my buddy... I see him every night outside the back door as I let the dogs out for their nighttime sniff. I think he may be getting used to having his photo taken :)

Hi Travis! It is a great place... 100+ acres of rolling fields, bordered by some trees. I hoping to go back next weekend and see the changing leaves up there.

Hi Vicki! Yes, getting away was definitely a good thing. And thanks so much for the kind words :)

Hi Scott! Well thanks so much! It was actually very therapeutic - but then the fresh air always is, isn't it?

Ingrid said...

Looks like a nice "getaway" house ! and I love the car wreck in the garden, lol !

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Gattina! LOL I like the old wreck in the garden too - old things have a lot of character :)

barrettmanor said...

Thanks for suggesting the challenge. Love the old vehicle photos!

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Julie B! Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by :)

Erica Ann Putis said...

Beautiful pictures. Being creative is so therapeutic. :)

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Erica! Yes, it definitely is... it puts the mind to more positive use, instead of dwelling in the negative.

Janet said...

love the bench...the focus is spectacular!

Julie said...

your photos are awesome. I just bought 'digital photography for dummies' so I hope my pictures will start looking a lot better!!!

robkroese said...

Those are some really cool pics, Tammie Jean. You've really got a good eye.

LZ Blogger said...

Tammie ~ I would have a hard time picking which one of these backyard shots I like the BEST! They are all wonderful! ~ jb///

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Janet! And thank you - I like that one too :) I was lucky enough to have a good sky that day...

Hi Jules! I really like the photos you've been taking with the new camera, and your HNT shots have been awesome! Even better you say? Can't wait to see :)

Hi Diesel! And thank you! If only I could photograph myself with famous people like you do... ;)

Hi JB! Thanks so much! I appreciate that. Maybe I'll have to find the time to get out with the camera more often...

Marisa said...

frickin' awesome!!!

Atypical California Girl said...

I especially love the second bug photo and the second truck photo.
And good for you for getting away for a bit.

Kiyotoe said...

Those are great pictures. I'm going to send you an e-mail, I have a question regarding your photography.

Tammie Jean said...

Thanks Reesepie!!! So glad you like 'em! :)

Thanks Atypical CA Girl! Funny about the bugs... they're very polarizing - people either love them or they hate them. I like his crazy little feet :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Tammie Jean said...

Ooops! Hi Kiyotoe! Didn't see you there :) I'll try to check my email later tonight when I'm home (can't check from work).

CS said...

Gorgeous photos. My favorites are the wooly bear crawling up the stem and the complacent looking toad.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi CS! And thank you! It's fun to look around and see what's been crawling through my backyard. I think I take some of my best photos out there :)

MariesImages said...

You have some really GREAT shots, but my favorite is the truck with the flowers. Amazing shot!

Tammie Jean said...

Thanks Marie! I think that one may be my favorite from the set too :)