My tag line read: Adventure Girl seeks Adventure Boy. Hee hee!
I was still only checking my email account once a week and having a little trouble keeping up, but Sean’s email and profile stood out to me.
His tag line read: Clark Kent Looking for a Phone Booth.
I replied to his email, and he responded right away. So we chatted for a while through the email that first night…
Hi Sean,
Thanks for your email! Your profile did pique my interest, and I'd like to learn more about you. What do you like to do for fun? What kind of dog do you have?
Hope to hear from you soon...
Hope to hear from you soon...
Hi Tammie.. Thanks for responding. Lets see.. for fun I travel a lot.. love the water the sun...I have a timeshare in Aruba.. and love it there. I play golf - not too well, but I play. My dog’s name is Scruffy and he’s a 12 y/o cockapoo. So what are you up to tonight? Sean.
Hi Sean,
That was a fast response! I'm only online every few days, so tonight I'm just checking the mail :) I like to travel too. I've never been to Aruba, although I've heard it's beautiful. Do you snorkel or scuba dive there? I just got into snorkeling this year, and I'm planning on getting certified for scuba. What are you up to tonight?
I was thinking of making some popcorn and watching a movie...would love company... how fast can you get here? Yes I LOVE to snorkel. What are your passions?
Hmm... popcorn and a movie... very tempting!! I enjoy anything outdoors - hiking, the beach, biking - you name it. In April I took my daughter to snorkel with the manatees in the Crystal River, Florida. It was fantastic! We were signed up for scuba class and completed all of the course work, but we both had major colds that week and couldn't go under. We snorkeled instead, and I can't wait to go again!
I would say I'm most passionate about travel and photography. I love to go anywhere new - spontaneous day trips, weekends away, and those week-long excursions that are a wonderful hiatus from the daily grind. I just got back from camping in Canada on Lake Erie, about 1/2 hour from Niagra Falls. The next trip may be to Maine. There always has to be a next trip in the works - something to look forward to. What do you like to do for fun?
I'm a fairly physical person.. I like anything outdoors.. even in the winter depending on the company. Yes I bought the DVD "Final Destination 2".. and I make a great bowl of popcorn and I share well :) Do you read? Like movies? If you had to pick the only vacation you would get for the rest of your life where would it be and whom would you bring? Am I on that list? :) What would you do for a Klondike Bar? S.
I'm a fairly physical person.. I like anything outdoors.. even in the winter depending on the company. Yes I bought the DVD "Final Destination 2".. and I make a great bowl of popcorn and I share well :) Do you read? Like movies? If you had to pick the only vacation you would get for the rest of your life where would it be and whom would you bring? Am I on that list? :) What would you do for a Klondike Bar? S.
Even in the winter? Do you ski? I just tried skiing this past winter for the first time. Not bad for my first time out - I'm pretty athletic. I'm going to start earlier next season.
Only one vacation?? You're hurting me. I love it out west - the Rockies, the mesas, the arid climate. But I love the ocean, too. I've never been to an island, and I haven't been to Europe... I don't think I'm qualified yet to make a decision like that, but I promise I'll work on it :)
Who would I bring? So far my daughter has been an excellent travel buddy and an Adventure Girl of the highest order, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't consider an aspiring Adventure Boy.
I do like movies, and I do read when I'm in that mode. Sometimes I'll have three books going at once, other times I put them all away so I can work on some artwork. There aren't enough hours in the day.
What would I do for a Klondike Bar? Have I mentioned that I'm an Adventure Girl?
Something tells me we could stay up all night talking...
Well my profile does say I'm looking for someone who could keep me up til 4 am talking.. so this may work. To be very to the point.. I do visualize a family in my future… a premade one is GREAT but would love to add to it.. What are your feelings on that? S
Oooh… the serious questions (usually reserved for after midnight)... Actually, I'm a fantastic mom and enjoy every minute of it. I've always thought that if I ever married, I'd gladly have more children (and I'd have a built-in babysitter!). And if not, at least I have my sweet girl, who is absolutely precious to me.
Now you have to answer some questions! Do you read? Who would you pick for your one vacation? What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar? What kind of dog is a cockapoo???
Yes I love to read.. but seems like I only get the time while on vacation. A cockapoo is 1/2 cocker and 1/2 poodle. I on the other hand am 1/2 Italian, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 English. Well I go to Jamaica in October with a bunch of friends.. but my dance card is empty for my trip to Aruba in January. The whole Island is very family friendly, that's why I love it. Take care Tammie...hope to hear from you soon, Sean.
I'll write back tomorrow. Have a great night...Tammie
(The next night…)
Hi Sean, Did I mention I don't go online very often? But you've got me back on the very next day! I really enjoyed our email chat last night :) How was your movie?
I'm 1/2 Irish & 1/2 Italian, my dog is a yellow lab.
Some other random little-known facts about me: I know how to pitch a tent and start a campfire, I've been in a major earthquake, I have a mean round house kick, and I make perfect pancakes. I graduated 4th in my class from high school, I like rollercoasters but not ferris wheels, love popcorn with a movie and sugar cookies with a glass of milk.
What else can you tell me about you? Hope to talk to you soon...
Do you know a good caterer? :)
If you’d like to talk a little before we elope.. you can call me (phone number removed to protect the innocent). I’m up til at least 12 every night.. I’m off to watch that movie I never got to last night.. but please call.. I'd love to hear your voice :) S
Soooo…. I called. We spoke for hours. We chatted for hours at a time every night for the next several nights. Then we decided we’d better meet to make sure there was Spark before we became too emotionally invested.
We met within a week of that first email at a restaurant near me for some appetizers and drinks. After chatting and laughing for hours over some soggy mozzarella sticks and yummy cocktails (he had a gin and tonic, I had a woo woo), we kissed in the parking lot. No, Spark was not a problem. We definitely had Spark. Sparks were flying like crazy.
On our 3rd date, we actually said the L word!
Within 3 months Sean had purchased a ring and asked Mandy’s permission to propose.
Within 3 months Sean had purchased a ring and asked Mandy’s permission to propose.
Three months after that, on the Natural Bridge in Aruba, Sean asked me to marry him. Mandy, who had kept this big secret for 3 whole months, was there to snap the pictures.
Mandy was also my maid of honor when Sean and I got married 10 months later.
Mandy was also my maid of honor when Sean and I got married 10 months later.
Maybe is better than scouring Craig's list for penis photos.
Seriously Mist??? Seems like just about anything would be better than that, even slumming around hole-in-the-wall bars wearing cfm boots and a halter top...
Oh wow, that really was a whirlwind romance...and is still going. Good for you!
Hi Silverneurotic! Yes, it all happened so quickly that we often lied about how long we had been together. After 3 weeks we were saying 3 months, after 6 months we claimed "almost a year" so people wouldn't think we were crazy!
This is so romantic Tammie! You're awesome for sharing this.
And thanks for popping over to my blog. If you do decide to do that Overnight walk, please let me know so that I can give you a donation! Hugs and kisses.
Wow - that is so awesome... I've talked to a couple of people on line but have given up on it because I just know -in person- if I like them or not. The internet is too vague for me. Great for friends but not for dating. Man, your story makes me want to join Match!!!
Hi Dan!
Thanks - I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
I will definitely let you know about the overnight... just have to check schedules, etc, since I've been working 3 jobs as of late.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Erica!
Yeah, internet dating isn't for everyone, but I found that I could get a fairly good sense of a person from what they wrote in their profiles (do they have something worthwhile to say? do they have a decent grasp of the English language?) Next step, of course, is speaking on the phone. I dropped a few potential suitors after hearing their creepy voices on the phone! Overall, it was a fun experience, and it worked out in the end :)
Thanks for sharing that, Tammie. =)
M and I never wrote to each other because we were never far from each other for long periods of time.
Hi Houseband!
Sean and I wrote to each other quite a bit, especially in the beginning. I'm surprised no one has pointed out what I psycho I was for saving each and every email we ever sent each other!
I'm smiling right now because this is such a lovely love story.
It sounded so...right for you, somehow. :-D
A sentimental psycho's more like it. =)
Hi Lizza! It definitely felt right, from the very beginning. We knew on our first date where it was heading :)
Hi Houseband! Yes, I knew right away that this relationship would be meaningful, and I saved EVERYTHING! I made a scrapbook of emails, movie stubs, photos & notes and gave it to Sean on our 1st wedding anniversary. He hadn't even realized how sentimental (or psycho) I was until then ;)
Well, I think your bubby got very very lucky.
I met my wife online as a chatroom none the less...
Had it not been for the internet I would have never gotten any. ;)
Hi Scott!
Aw, thanks. I think we both did - it's not easy to find someone you'd consider spending the rest of your life with!
Hi Steve!
You guys too? I've met a lot of people who met their wives or husbands online. Which is so cool, because that makes me feel like less of a loser ;)
That's a great story - you hear so many disatsers that it's nice ot hear one that worked out so well (and so quickly!).
Hi CSL! Yes, the whole blind-date thing can definitely be scary, but it beats sitting around complaining that there are no good guys left. I definitely got lucky...
Thanks for stopping by :)
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