Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Walk by the River

Mandy and I got outside for a bit today for a walk by the river...

A few close-ups of the ice...


Nikki Neurotic said...

I was going to ask if that was, duh.

Scott from Oregon said...

We are moving into t-shirt weather during the day

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Silverneurotic! Yeah, it's a little hard to tell - pretty abstract :)

Hi Scott! We're not quite there yet, but getting closer... I was able to break up all the ice on our front sidewalk last night. And I'm back to not wearing a coat (I hate wearing a coat! I'd almost rather be cold... almost).

robkroese said...

Very nice. Where is this? Reminds me of Michigan. Of course, in in CA now, where it's going to hit 80 today....

Come play in my caption contest!

Tammie Jean said...

It's actually NY along the Hudson River. I lived in Brentwood California for a bit, but moved back to the east coast. I do miss the weather...

CS said...

Those are beautiful ice photos.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi CSL! Thank you! It's been a while since I've had the time to get out and take some photos. Hopefully I'll be able to make more time as the weather gets warmer...