Saturday, April 7, 2007

Links to Music

Well I added some links from to the music in the last post. You may have to be a member to listen - I'm not really sure. But it's free to sign up and it's very easy to find music in there and make playlists for yourself. It's a fun place to poke around.


CS said...

When I'm back home (and not in the midst of a fmaily visit), I'll check out that imeem site. Enjoyed the music meme below.

Lizza said...

Oh, cool. I'm an imeem member. You can also embed the songs in your blog posts, where everyone can listen to them.

Will check out our songs, Tammie Jean!

Lizza said...

Listened to your songs, and I must say that I liked the one by Beck the most. Catchy! Thanks for sharing, Tammie Jean.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi CSL! I usually have a similar problem - I love to check out the songs people post, but I can't while I'm sitting here at work! I have to wait until I get home. Thanks for checking back in :)

Hi Lizza! Oh, you'll have to let me know how you embed the songs. I tried using the codes from Imeem, but that's when I had the original post with no music at all. Is there something else I need to know?

Lizza said...

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

Write your post normally in the regular window. When you're done, switch to the HTML window and add the codes there. Hope that helps!

Oh, and save your post as a draft before you add the codes, just in case.:-)