I'm very honored to be presented with an award from Judd Corizan of The Rising Blogger. The goal of this new blog is to award specific posts that are worthwhile reading, whether they are funny, creative, thought-provoking or insightful.
The post chosen from my archives is We Should Have Been Friends, a story about my first brush with racism. You should check it out :)
I commented today on The Rising Blogger that I love the idea of this blog. Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out on a good blog because the latest post didn't necessarily draw me in. I think I'll really enjoy this roadmap to great posts and find some great blogs in the process.
Thanks, Judd, for the recognition! And keep up the good work with your blog - I have a feeling that I'll be checking in with you often...
that's the post that got you on the V.I.P. list. You deserve it.
Judd is a great judge of character (hence my name on the same page as yours ;)
Good for you! I went over to the blog and bookmarked it to check out later.
Congratulations! I hadn't read that post of yours before and I must say it certainly is deserving of the award.
Wow - that was a really great post. For me - I was very sheltered because in Vermont there were only white people in my town and that's it... I wish I had more exposure to other races when I was younger but what can you do? You don't exactly have a choice where you grow up. :)
Hi Kiyotoe! And thank you! You know, I always try to check out your posts, but it was only yesterday that I figured out what the V.I.P. list is! I guess I haven't been very observant lately. And yes, Judd is obviously a great judge of character ;)
Hi Travis! And thanks! I've bookmarked it too - I think it has great potential.
Hi Lizza! Thank you for the congrats! I noticed that you've been recognized on The Rising Blogger as well, so congrats back atcha! And I'm glad you enjoyed the post :)
Hi Erica! Thank you - I appreciate the compliment! The post was one of those things I just really needed to get out, but I'm glad that it's been well-received.
It's funny, the area I grew up in was actually pretty diverse, but unfortunately the schools weren't at all.
Thanks for the link to the site. That was a really fantastic post you wrote too!!
Hi Jules! And thank you! Prior to this award, I think you were one of the few who had actually read that post :)
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