Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Round Robin Photo Challenges

Recently I stumbled upon a blog called The Round Robin Photo Challenges. This looks like fun!
Each member has a turn submitting a topic for the next photo challenge. Past topics have included Animals, Reflections, Cold, My Hometown, Transportation, Nostalgia… Then members have time to go out and take pictures for the challenge to post on their blogs on the agreed-upon posting date.

I like the idea of this site, because I think the suggestion of a theme will encourage me to pick up my camera and take more shots, maybe even of subjects I hadn’t previously considered. And I always love to see how different people interpret the same theme.

The most recent challenge theme is actually wide-open. To celebrate their 2 year blog anniversary, members were asked to choose any topic from the past challenges. “Nature” was a no-brainer for me. I’m always inspired when I step outside my door, from the flowers and bugs in my garden to the hard-earned panoramic view at the end of a long hike.

My husband thought I was crazy when I spent the afternoon hunched over my tripod, waiting for the bees to land on the new flowers I received as Easter gifts. But I liked the results:

I'm looking forward to future challenges!


Jeff Roberts said...

Those turned out well!

Tammie Jean said...

Thanks Jeff! I ended up a little bug-eyed from staring through the camera for so long, but I think it was worth it :)

Carly said...

Hi Tammie Jean

Welcome to the Round Robin Challenges! It's so good to meet you. :) You are off to a wonderful start. Bees have become a recent subject of mine, I am still looking to achieve that perfect bee photo, while working on my fear of them. LOL. I look forward to seeing your future entries. Once again, welcome :)

Always, Carly

velvet said...

Those are great photos!

I'll definitely have to check the Red Robin Phot Challenges out.

Good work! :)

Erica Ann Putis said...

Wow - those are beautiful pictures... I really love the blue one.

Tammy Brierly said...

I could not take my eye's off the petals! Nice nature macro ;)

I have not entered in awhile but Welcome. lol

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Carly! Thank you for the warm welcome. I've already started checking out the other members' posts, and there are really some talented photographers in the group! I'm looking forward to future challenges...

Hi Velvet Girl! Thank you! You should definitely drop by the blog and participate - your photos are fantastic!

Hi Erica! And thank you - I think that one is my favorite too :)

kmm said...

Welcome to the robins. I am a relative new person, and enjoy the challenges. Some of the guys are just so talented. Hope you enjoy it too and we have bees in common.
Love the blue petals. What flower is it? Cheers Kerrin

Nikki Neurotic said...

I'm actually scared of bees (long story) but those pics are nice and not at all scary!

MariesImages said...

Wow!! Great macro shots, especially the bottom 2, I tend to go for blue flowers..Ü I think I like the angle of the bees on the bottom 2, also. I'm going to check out the rest of your photos...Welcome aboard~

Julie said...

That last picture is stunning. Really awesome!!!

gina said...

i like the results, too...especially that last one! :) welcome aboard...i know you'll love the photo challenges.

Steven said...

Having spent hours waiting for bees to land I know it's a worthy pursuit! You got some nice bee photos as reward. Welcome to the Robins!

Scott from Oregon said...

LOVE number three. The first two have nice color, but the bees aren't really cooperating compositionally.

Well, with my new camera, I might have to compete with you...

barrettmanor said...

Welcome to the Robins!

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Tammy! And thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has done (hopefully I can steal a few minutes from working today to check out the other entries!)

Hi Kerrin! Yes, I'm thinking that the challenges will be fun and encourage me to photograph more. Not to mention the inspiration from seeing everyone else's images. The blue petals are hydrangea.

Hi Silver! I used to be terrified of bees. I'm allergic to them, actually. Now they only scare me when I find them in my can of soda.

Hi Marie! And thank you for the warm welcome :) I don't have many photos posted yet, but I have a feeling that may change...

Hi Jules! And thanks! It was nice when I finally figured out their patterns and could (almost) predict when they would emerge from those purple hyacinths.

Hi Gina! Thank you for the warm welcome :) The robins seem like such a friendly group of people! I'm looking forward to checking out everyone's photos...

Hi Steven! It does take some time and patience to capture those bees, doesn't it? It was nice to actually have a few I liked after all of those "almosts" I snapped :)
Nice to meet you!

Hi Scott! Yes! You should! I know you have a good eye... the next photo challenge has already been posted - you and that new camera of yours better get to work ;)

Hi Julie! And thank you!

Suzanne R said...

Your patience and work paid off handsomely! I love your pics -- perfect macros (and I say that although I don't like to get very close to bees, despite having rescued one that got inside the house recently). Welcome to the challenges! Excellent job!

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Suzanne! So you rescued a bee from inside the house? LOL you sound like me... bugs get captured and released outside. I hate killing things. Thank you for the visit and the warm welcome to the Robins :)

Ingrid said...

The results of your bee "hunting" are beautiful !
You are right it's so stimulating to go out for a "word" and make some pictures ! It already took me to places I haven't been for years ! But now I have a good excuse ! My next excursion will take me to the Zoo ! I think I have been there maybe 30 years ago when my son was a toddler !

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Gattina! The zoo sounds like a great place to snap some pictures! I'm looking forward to seeing your results :)

CS said...

Thise are really beautiful. I especially like the last one. And congratulations on the rising blogger award.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

All three of these are great! I just love the color and texture and shapes you've captured here. Welcome to the Robins!

TropicRedbird said...

Fantastic entry ... you were rewarded for your perseverance! ~ Valorie

Tammie Jean said...

Hi CS! Thank you - I think it was all of your great photos and hiking stories that inspired me to get outside and start snapping photos again :)

Hi Karen! Thank you for your encouraging words and warm welcome!

Hi Valorie! And thank you - I appreciate it :) I'm looking forward to future challenges...

CS said...

Thanks for that - I love knowing that I had a small part in those great flower photos!