I don’t know how many times I was asked that question when I was single.
“I don’t have a type.”
“What about movie stars? Who do you have a crush on?”
“I don’t have crushes on movie stars.”
I really don’t. I never did.
Well, maybe in the sixth grade when I saw the movie The Outsiders. I thought Matt Dillon was hot. And I was smitten with C. Thomas Howell.
“Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.”
I loved that movie. All those guys were gorgeous, and they were cool because they were dirty boys that wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. I’m sure I fell asleep many a night dreaming of kissing Matt Dillon.
But as a grown woman, I just don’t get infatuated with famous people. I lived in Brentwood, California for a while. I would see famous people quite often. I even met a few at parties and clubs. But they were just people. I never got all googly-eyed over them.
“C’mon, there has to be someone. Brad Pitt?”
“No, a friend of mine interviewed him once and she said he had really bad body odor.”
“Tom Cruise?”
“Hell no! Arrogance is the ugliest thing to me.”
“Just name someone. There has to be someone you think is hot.”
“Okay then… Jon Stewart.”
“If I have to name someone, it’s Jon Stewart.”
“Because he’s intelligent, witty, and funny. Those are qualities that attract me.”
So that has always been my standard answer to that stupid question. Jon Stewart. It usually leads to some discussion, since he is not an obvious choice to most people.
Over the summer, Sean and I are visiting his “new brother” in North Carolina. That’s a whole other story.
Well don’t you know, we get into one of these conversations about who has the hots for whom.
Angelina Jolie always comes up as a clear choice for the men. Brad Pitt and Matthew McConnaughey are mentioned by the women.
“What about you, Tammie? Who do you have a crush on?”
“My husband.”
“No, in Hollywood. Or on TV. Who do you think is hot?”
“I don’t go for Hollywood types.”
“Oh c’mon, there has to be someone.”
My husband knows my dirty secrets (well, not all of them… yet), so he tries to help me out: “She likes Jon Stewart.”
“Jon Stewart? Why?”
“Because he’s intelligent, and witty, and funny. That’s the kind of guys I go for.”
“Yeah, but so is Dr. Ruth!” the new brother calls across the room.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now. See that’s completely different.”
“No, it’s not!”
“Yes, it is. Because I like my women HOT.”
That shut him up.
I will reel off my hotties ( if i were a woman)
Humphrey Bogart ( macho with a ciagrette between hhis lips in Casablanca)
Gregory Peck ( Duel in the sun)
James Stewart ( Rear Window, An Affair ato remember etc)
James Dean ( Rebel without a cause ( so intense)
Well, for gals who r happily married, none can be hotter than their hubbies. U r right there!
All good choices V... classy choices too.
It's not that I don't find guys hot. I guess it's just that I don't understand having an obsessive crush on any of them, since they are just people like you and me.
I do like to look at the eye candy, though :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Ya, I agree with u. All these hotties can be very cold at times. It is an act put on by them in their path to professionl perfection. There is a saying in Urdu "Hamaam mein sab nange hain" Everyone is naked in the bath tub. It is the dressing up that gives them the distinction.
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