The rules of the contest were simple: Write the name NOVAK on a piece of paper and take a picture of it. No Photoshop. He asked that we grab his attention and cater to his sense of humor.
If you read my recent post about cleaning out the old house, you know that I have a bunch of old toys at my disposal.
I had soooo many ideas for this one!
I considered lining up a bunch of Barbie dolls to moon him, each one holding a letter of his name above their little pink plastic butts. Let’s see… Wonder Woman, Farrah Fawcett, The Bionic Woman, and all three Charlie’s Angels. That actually left me with an extra, since there are only 5 letters in NOVAK. Perhaps one of the Angels could be spanking Wonder Woman. She’s hot.
He did say to cater to his sense of humor. And so many of his laughing-so-hard-I-can't-catch-my-breath posts have some sort of “questionable” content. Sooo... perhaps a threesome with 6 Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman and Wonder Woman, one of them bent over his name. Big Foot can watch. Hee hee!
I also found these freaky Spawn creature action figures in a box up in our old attic. I think they

Or maybe I could make a police lineup, and each toy could hold a different letter of his name. I could use a Barbie, a Spawn, GI Joe, maybe a Ninja Turtle and He-Man. “By the power of Grayskull!”
No wait! I can set up an entire dirty scene from Caligula, with Ninja Turtles and Charlie’s Angels and… Wow, this is all so wrong.
I also considered going in a completely different direction. Since Steve has a twisted sense of humor, I considered making a little altar to NOVAK, like I’m obsessed with him in a deranged, stalker/slasher sort of way. There could be candles, pictures of Steve, and maybe a little voodoo doll with NOVAK written on a piece of paper and pinned to his belly with great big pins. I even found a freaky little doll that would work perfectly. Now we’re talking!
But then there was a recent post by Steve in which he expressed his fondness for the Muppets. Oh, there it was. I had to do it…
And guess what? I won! Yeah!
Here is the winning photo. It’s not family friendly, but then again neither is Steve’s blog.
Thanks Steve! This was fun!

muchos kudos, and congratz~
Thanks Brooklyn Frank! I took a peek at your blog earlier, and I love your writing! I'll be back...
thanks! i started a new story tody, FYI.
BTW, HHGG is one of my fave books of all time!
You must be fairly cool.
Oh that's really good! Congratulations on winning.
It's an incredible photo. Although, Kermit and I need to have a talk when he gets home from work.
When I left home a LONG time ago, my little sister gave me a kermit to carry as a good luck charm. To keep it in my vehicle, I made hanging noose and let him hang from the ceiling.
Funny, I was cleaning the garae today, and unhooked my kermit mojo and looked at him fondly.
Well done!
And congratulations!
God, now I've got kermit's finger punchlines drawing bad jokes my way...
This is great!!! I loved it! Congrats!!
Piggy Porn! Too funny!
Congratulations!!! Dirty-minded Kermit, LOL. Great work, Tammie Jean.
I'm a regular over at Steve's blog too. So, we share the same sick sense of humor. :-D
Brooklyn Frank - thanks for the heads-up - I'll have to come over and check it out!
Silverneurotic - thank you! It was certainly fun to set up. I just kept thinking "How can I make this even MORE wrong?"
Mist1 - Thanks! But listen, go easy on Kermie. His porn habits are no reflection of his feelings for you.
Scott from Oregon - You had Kermie hanging from a noose? LOL that's horrible! I hope your little sister didn't know.
Jules - thanks so much! I thought your submission was great! Probably much harder to actually capture in a photograph than mine. But you got the perfect angle on your cat's butt. Well done!
Travis - isn't that pic of Piggy comical? It was one of the first pics that came up with a google image search for Piggy. Someone made it as a "wardrobe malfunction" pic, and obviously I found it inspiring for my submission to the contest :)
Lizza - it's funny how many female fans Steve has. His sense of humor probably would have made us roll our eyes back in the 6th grade, but now it's hilarious - go figure!
JULES - SORRY! I think I confused you with the other Jules that submitted the cat pic. I'm on my way to check out your blog now...
You definitly earned the win...and to be honest...had you don pretty much any of the other ideas you had you might have won as well.
I especially like the toy butt one. ;)
Send me an email with your address when you get a chance so I know where to send the book.
I LOVED that picture. Not only was is funny as hell it was really pretty artistic with Kermit in the mirror and the mood lighting... Very nice and so funny. :)
Hi Steve! I'll email you later when I get home. Looking forward to reading your book!
Hi Erica! You know, it wasn't easy getting the right angle on Kermit. I had a few that I took from directly behind him, but they didn't show that wide open mouth which really makes it look like he's thoroughly enjoying himself. So yeah, I think getting him in the mirror really helped. Thanks for noticing! And thanks for stopping by :)
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